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Form 6110 - Proposal for a User Requested Minor Use Label Expansion (URMULE)

Privacy notice statement

Health Canada

Collection and use of personal information in this application is in accordance with the federal Privacy Act.

The personal information you provide is collected under the authority of section 6(1)(a) of the Pest Control Product Regulations for the purpose of contacting the applicant in regard to the application and to communicate any decisions and outcomes of the application.

Why are we collecting your personal information?

We require your personal information for the purpose of contacting the applicant in regards to the application and to communicate any decisions or outcomes of the application.

Will we use or share your personal information for any other reason?

Company names are disclosed after the Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) makes a decision or outcome on an application.

What are your rights?

The Privacy Act gives you the rights of access to, correction of and protection of your personal information. You have a right complain to the Privacy Commissioner of Canada if you feel your personal information has been handled improperly. For more information about these rights, or about how we handle your personal information, please contact the PMRA Information Service.

Security notice: up to Protected B only

This site is not approved by Health Canada/Public Health Agency of Canada for storage above Protected B information. Only up to Protected B information may be stored on this site.


About this online form

The completed form, in addition to a cover letter, a letter of support from the registrant of the proposed pest control product and a proposed supplemental label, must be included in the package submitted to the Agency for consideration. The proposed use(s) must be described in detail and it is essential that the use pattern is consistently presented in all submitted documentation. If there is insufficient space in any field, provide information that cannot be incorporated into the form in the accompanying cover letter.

Data requirements necessary for the registration of the proposed new use are assessed on the basis of the information provided on this form; therefore, complete and accurate information is critical to the success of any URMULE proposal. As a prerequisite step, submitters are advised to obtain and read the registered Canadian product label carefully.

Form terminology reflects crop uses as these account for the majority of the proposals; however, appropriate terms / units can be substituted, where required, to support minor use proposals in other use areas.

How to work with this online form

When working with this online form, you can save it to your computer at any time by pressing the 'Save Draft' button at the bottom of the form. This will generate a draft XML file.

You can continue to work on the form in subsequent sessions by loading a draft XML file in the "Load a draft XML file" section, at the top of the form.

Once you have completed the form, press the 'Save Final' button at the bottom of the form to generate a Microsoft Word file.

Instructions for completing sections of this online form

To continue to work off an existing form, browse for the draft file (in XML format) here:

Registrant Name and Address Instruction1
Sponsor Instruction2
Submitted by Instruction3
Pesticide Instruction4
Proposed use
Crops of proposed use (required) Instruction5a
Scope of Proposed Use (required) Instruction5b
Cultivated area distribution (in hectares) for a specific crop not listed in the PMRA Guidance Document, Updated Residue Chemistry Guidelines [2022]. Instruction5d
Pest(s) Instruction6
Proposed directions for use Instruction7
Application Frequency (required)
Use of Adjuvant / Surfactant (required)
Other Registered Pesticides in Canada Instruction10
Are other pesticides registered in Canada for this use? (required)
Use Registration in the United States Instruction13
Is this use registered in the United States? If yes, provide United States label (required)
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